Saturday, July 11, 2009

Do you remember that stuff? I do. I have a whole bunch of crap with her stuff on it.

All the colors, kittens, puppies.... anything cute really. I was quite fond of the pens that had like 5 different colors when you clicked it a few times, and the pencils that were multi-colored. Oh and the super cute erasers that didn't really ever erase anything.

The reason I thought of this today is because when I was at target something caught my eye. I emediatly though WOW LISA FRANK STUFF!!!! NO WAY! But as I got closer to it I noticed it has like scull and cross bones, bats, thorny roses, nothing cute and looked like tattoos. But it was all colorful, bright just like Lisa Frank. What is this junk? It was art by Ed Hardy on kids school supplies. What a rip off. What are they trying to put in kids minds now? I would rather see cute little fluffy animals.

Now Im not against tattoos at all. I have a few myself but still.... This was like folders for kids in elementry school. What happened to all the cute?

Oh well, I guess kids are just more bad a** these days. Nothing wrong with that.

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posted by Jonsie Files at 5:33 PM |


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